Avoid the mistakes that get 1 out of 3 calisthenics athletes injured…

For aspiring or intermediate calisthenics athletes…​

Join the first-ever “Calisthenics Wiki” 
AND nail your first insane Static skill
While staying injury-free

The Little-Known “Calisthenics Wiki” 118 Members Are Using To Master Insane Static Skills Together Under The Guidance of Levisthenics Without Injuries!

(Unpacking everything I learned as a calisthenics coach and physiotherapist)

(Everything you need to master advanced static skills)

For aspiring or intermediate calisthenics athletes…​

Avoid the mistakes that lead to 1 out of 3 calisthenics athletes getting injured…

The Little-Known “Calisthenics Wiki” 118 Members Are
Using To Master Insane Static Skills Together Under
The Guidance of Levisthenics Without Injuries!

Join 118 people inside the first-ever “Calisthenics Wiki” And
perfectly nail your First Insane Static Skill While Staying

(Everything you need to master advanced static skills)

(You’ll learn everything I discovered on how elite calisthenics athletes are built)​

have you ever wondered...

Why does it seem like every guy (or girl) on your feed is defying gravity with calisthenics

"How can I master advanced skills if I don’t know the basics?"

"I’m searching for a clear path to get started, but I can’t find it!"

"Is there a secret technique I have to learn to get to static skills faster?!"

What’s the secret online “calisthenics bros” don’t tell me?!

What’s the secret online “calisthenics bros” don’t tell me?!

What’s the secret online “calisthenics bros” don’t tell me?!

What’s the secret online “calisthenics bros” don’t tell me?!

If that’s you right now…

I’ve gotta tell you there is a clear PATH you can’t see yet.

So, in the next few minutes,

I’ll reveal the KEY to get started with calisthenics from ZERO.

The same thing that allowed me to go from beginner to perfecting insane calisthenics static moves

WITHOUT getting injured,

Getting stuck with the basics,

Or dreading every training day.

​And honestly,

It’s not even a secret…

It’s pretty simple.

If that’s you right now…
I’ve gotta tell you there is a clear PATH you can’t see yet.
So, in the next few minutes,

I’ll reveal the KEY to mastering your first insane calisthenics static skill.

Because despite what online training videos teach, you DON'T master calisthenics by…

The same thing that allowed me to “perfect” the planche, front lever, and V-sit WITHOUT getting injured, getting stuck with the basics, or 

And honestly,
It’s not even a secret…
It’s actually quite simple.
Despite what you learn from online training videos, you DON'T master calisthenics by...

❌ Relying on random YouTube workouts.
(Unless they cover many different aspects and starting points, they very rarely fit your exact situation…)

❌ Relying on random YouTube workouts.
(Unless they cover many different aspects and starting points, they very rarely fit your exact situation…)

❌ Trying to keep up with social media challenges.
​(Challenges like “100 pushups, sit-ups, and squats daily” sound cool, but they’re often too much, leading to overuse injuries. They’re usually too much volume with little to no rest.)

❌ Following advice from unqualified influencers.
(Without bashing anyone specifically you gotta know that just because someone is a great athlete it doesn't always mean they are a great coach. Following them blindly expecting results like theirs can be a recipe for injury.)

what's the secret i used for these guys to get results?


But, I’ll be honest with you…

Many coaches praise their method as the absolute best one for everybody.

I won't do the same.

There’s a saying that goes: “All paths lead to Rome.”

And I stand by that.


If you can’t find a clear path to start calisthenics and master static skills eventually…

If you’re stuck on the same basic progressions and struggle with pains and discomfort despite being 3 months or more into your calisthenics training arc…

Or, if you already have a solid foundation of strength but can’t seem to crack the code to nail advanced skill moves…

Then, there’s something you need to improve in your approach.

It’s usually because of one simple reason I noticed as a recurring pattern with all my students:

And it’s the same reason I became a Physiotherapist.

Because I learned this lesson the hard way…

I missed a critical KEY POINT in Calisthenics...

I made all your mistakes…

A bit uncomfortable to share this picture but look at me before I started all of this.

This was even before I started in the gym.

Yes I've tried traditional bodybuilding before Calisthenics...

I lifted iron plates for 2 years...

And I mean my strength increased, my muscle mass and discipline went up...

but overall, at one point I learned it just wasn't for me.

Something was missing.

✅The feeling of controlling your body fully in space...

✅The freedom of movement that comes with mastering your body weight

✅The progression system that feels like a skill tree in a video game...

That’s when I switched to calisthenics.

It wasn’t as easy as I imagined…

I started thinking progress was all about doing as MUCH as possible!

The problem with that?
It got me injured in my first months!

While trying to fix it on my own my Calisthenics approach turned into an “I just need to find the perfect routine” mentality.

​I was switching from routine to routine, from exercise to exercise, and from challenge to challenge

The result?

❌ A lot of time WASTED trying to manage injuries

❌ I tried to mimic advanced athletes without understanding the proper progressions and ended up hurting myself.

❌ Without structured guidance, I kept making the asame mistakes and kept spinning my wheels for months.

Giving up was never an option!

But there were times where I thought maybe my wrists would just stay painful…

(They were my worst injury, 1 year of no exercise with my wrists flat)

I was super frustrated, sometimes even anxious about my plan.

"What if I’m just not built for calisthenics?"

"What if my body just cant take this load?"

"What if I’ll never master these skills without hurting myself?"

"What if I just started way too late with all of this?" (I was 18, haha)

I was going nowhere with this.

But thankfully, things got a lot better once I started my physiotherapy classes...

Things became clearer for me and I discovered how I could keep making progress,
without all this pain

have you ever wondered...

Why does it seem like every guy(and girl) online is defying gravity with calisthenics?!
I’ve tried following all the YouTube tutorials, but nothing is working!
Why can’t I do a handstand without pain in my wrist?!

What’s the secret online “calisthenics bros” don’t tell me?!

If that’s you right now…
I’ve gotta tell you there is a clear PATH you can’t see yet.
So, in the next few minutes,

I’ll reveal the KEY to mastering your first insane calisthenics static skill.

Why do I see everyone improving at the sport and learning the cool skills so fast?

"I've tried following all the YouTube tutorials but I can never find a clear path to follow!"

​"Why can't I train handstands without discomfort in my wrists?!"

Why does it seem like every guy(and girl) online is defying gravity with calisthenics?!
I’ve tried following all the YouTube tutorials, but nothing is working!
Why can’t I do a handstand without pain in my wrist?!

Whatʼs the secret that I can't seem to find online?

What's the secret I used for these guys to get results?


Well, there's no secret but I can tell you there are ways to learn these skills pain free and with a clear path that have brought me to the strength I have today

And have created the insane results from my clients.

So in the next few minutes,

I'll show you how you can learn to train pain free and reach your dream skills of Calisthenics!​​

A lot of us (me included, years ago) get caught up with the following:

❌ Relying on random YouTube workouts.
​​(Unless they cover many different aspects and starting points, they very rarely fit your exact situation…)

❌ Trying to keep up with social media challenges.
​(Challenges like “100 pushups, sit-ups, and squats daily” sound cool, but they’re often too much, leading to overuse injuries. They’re usually too much volume with little to no rest.)

❌ Following advice from unqualified influencers.
​(Without bashing anyone specifically you gotta know that just because someone is a great athlete it doesn't always mean they are a great coach. Following them blindly expecting results like theirs can be a recipe for injury.)

Forget all that.
I’ll be honest with you...
If you aren’t building explosive upper body strength like you’d expect, it’s because of one simple reason:
I learned this lesson the hard way…

But okay...

There are of course people progressing with multiple methods.

Many coaches constantly praise their method as the absolute best one for everybody.

I won't do the same.

I know many paths can lead to results.

BUT if you aren't seeing results like you expected.

Or find yourself stuck with pains and discomfort...

There is definitely something to improve in your approach.

​You know why I became a physiotherapist?

Because I learned this lesson the hard way too.

I missed a critical KEY POINT in Calisthenics...

I made all your mistakes…

A bit uncomfortable to share this picture but look at me before I started all of this.

This was even before I started in the gym.

Yes I've tried traditional bodybuilding before Calisthenics...

I lifted iron plates for 2 years...

And I mean my strength increased, my muscle mass and discipline went up...

but overall, at one point I learned it just wasn't for me.

Something was missing.

✅The feeling of controlling your body fully in space...

✅The freedom of movement that comes with mastering your body weight

✅The progression system that feels like a skill tree in a video game...

That’s when I switched to calisthenics.

It wasn’t as easy as I imagined…

​​I started thinking progress was all about doing as MUCH as possible!

The problem with that?

It got me injured in my first months!

While trying to fix it on my own my calisthenics approach turned into an

“I just need to find the perfect routine” mentality.

​I was switching from routine to routine, from exercise to exercise, and from challenge to challenge...

The result?

❌ A lot of time WASTED trying to manage injuries

❌ I tried to mimic advanced athletes without understanding the proper progressions and ended up hurting myself.

❌ Without structured guidance, I kept making the asame mistakes and kept spinning my wheels for months.

Giving up was never an option!

But there were times where I thought maybe my wrists

(They were my worst injury, 1 year of no exercise with my wrists flat)

would just stay painful…

I was super frustrated, sometimes even anxious about my plan.

"What if I’m just not built for calisthenics?"

"What if my body just cant take this load?"

"What if I’ll never master these skills
without hurting myself?"

"What if I just started way too late with all of this?" (I was 18, haha)

I was going nowhere with this.

But thankfully, things got a lot better once I started my physiotherapy classes...

Things became clearer for me and I discovered how I could keep making progress,

​Without all this pain.

How I finally learned to progress pain free.

It was a regular day while I was studying for my physiotherapy exam.

I was going through my flashcards.

As I reviewed them, something clicked.

I realized with all those things I'm learning, they don't just apply to physiotherapy...

I need to tie these methods to my sport!

I can understand Calisthenics skills with the whole anatomy inside...

Has anyone ever looked this closely into them?

What if i could understand these skills so deeply that I identify exactly what's causing my injuries?

I started using what I studied to increase my training performance.

Guess what?

It worked.

A few years into the future, constantly applying my idea of Calisthenics and...

I’m now fully free from any overuse injuries.

​​I’m not perfect yet, but what you see right there👇🏻 are movements I can do daily without any pain.

And here's the best part:

✅ I can train super hard and still stay safe.

✅ Without a gym.

✅ I don't need expensive equipment.

✅ I follow a clear path that I know works and that I can always rely on.

The craziest thing?

My workouts even ended up being shorter.

I was shocked.

If you're super precise about your training you don't need 1000s of drills!

Its like using a shotgun vs a sniper rifle lol, if your aim is good one bullet is enough...

Properly Prehabing Your Body
To Avoid Training Injuries

(The closest thing to an actual secret.)

As i studied physiotherapy with all the drills we use to prevent injuries, i began implementing these too!

As an athlete...

They are not just for people WITH injuries but even better for people that want to stay free from them!

A lot of these exercises are commonly known...but since everyone skips them they became kind of a secret again.

They are more important than you think!

I wasn't stuck in a vicious cycle of training with little progress and injuries because...

❌...of not training hard enough
❌...of having bad genetics and being too weak to handle my own bodyweight
❌... of not having the best equipment

The real reason I was stuck was because I didn't know about proper progression and prehabing exercises.

How I finally learned to progress pain free.

It was a regular day while I was studying for my physiotherapy exam.

I was going through my flashcards.

As I reviewed them, something clicked.

I realized with all those things I'm learning, they don't just apply to physiotherapy...

"I need to tie these methods to my sport!"

"I can understand calisthenics skills with the whole anatomy inside..."

"Has anyone ever looked this closely into them?"

'​What if i could understand these skills so deeply that I identify exactly what's causing my injuries?"

I started using what I studied to increase my training performance.

Guess what?

It worked.

A few years into the future, constantly applying my idea of calisthenics and...

I’m now fully free from any overuse injuries.

​​I’m not perfect yet, but what you see right there👇🏻 are movements I can do daily without any pain.

​And here's the best part:

✅ I can train super hard and still stay safe.

✅ I don't need a gym.

✅ I don't need expensive equipment.

✅ I follow a clear path that I know works and that I can always rely on.

The craziest thing?

My workouts even ended up being shorter.

I was shocked.

If you're super precise about your training you don't need 1000s of drills!

​Its like using a shotgun vs a sniper rifle lol, if your aim is good one bullet is enough...

Properly Prehabing Your Body To Avoid Training Injuries

The closest thing to an actual secret.

As i studied physiotherapy with all the drills we use to prevent injuries, i began implementing these too!

As an athlete...

They are not just for people WITH injuries but even better for people that want to stay free from them!

A lot of these exercises are commonly known...but since everyone skips them they became kind of a secret again.

They are more important than you think!

I wasn't stuck in a vicious cycle of training with little progress and injuries because...

❌...of not training hard enough

❌...of having bad genetics and being too weak to handle my own bodyweight

❌... of not having the best equipment

The real reason I was stuck was because I didn't know about proper progression and prehabing exercises.

I had to master prehabing to train without injuries so I made a plan…

✅ Identify how to strengthen and fix common weak links people have that suffer from injuries in this sport.

✅ Create plans implementing very gradual but constant increased difficulty.

✅ Map out long term systems leading to advanced skills like the planche, handstand, and frontlever.

And for the first time ever in my training…
things actually went according to plan.

Just a few months after implementing proper prehab exercises and structured progression,
this happened:

✅No more wrist pain.
✅Mastered harder versions of the planche, the frontlever and even my nemesis of the past...the handstand with the wrists flat on the floor.
✅Improved my general flexibility and shoulder mobility

So after years of frustration and setbacks…
I finally reached a good level in the sport.

​I had to share this...

I proved to myself and those around me that training smarter, not harder, is possible.

The next step in my plan: Help others achieve the same and make this knowledge popular.

​​I started sharing the importance of prehab training and gradual progression systems.

Besides growing my channel to 200k+ followers...

My students started mastering moves like muscle-ups, handstands
and frontlevers so seamlessly...

They were shocked how easy and pain free it can be.

They eliminated nagging joint pain and improved their tendon health.
And they did it all with just a few hours of focused training per week.
​Insane, right?

I had to master prehabing to train without injuries so I made a plan…

✅ Identify how to strengthen and fix common weak links people have that suffer from injuries in this sport.

✅ Create plans implementing very gradual but constant increased difficulty.

✅ Map out long term systems leading to advanced skills like the planche, handstand, and frontlever.

And for the first time ever in my training…

​​Things actually went according to plan.

Just a few months after implementing proper prehab exercises and structured progression,

This happened:

✅No more wrist pain.

✅Mastered harder versions of the Planche, the Frontlever and even my nemesis of the past...the handstand with the wrists flat on the floor.

✅Improved my general flexibility and shoulder mobility

So after years of frustration and setbacks…

I finally reached a good level in the sport.

​I had to share this...

I proved to myself and those around me that training smarter, not harder, is possible.

The next step in my plan: Help others achieve the same and make this knowledge popular.

​​I started sharing the importance of prehab training and gradual progression systems.

Besides growing my channel to 200k+ followers...

My students started mastering moves like muscle-ups, handstands
and frontlevers in such a seamless way...

They were shocked how easy and pain free it can be.​

They eliminated nagging joint pain and improved their tendon health.

And they did it all with just a few hours of focused training per week.

Insane, right?

Not everyone could afford a private coaching so I had to make this available

I created a “Calisthenics Wiki” to make these methods available to anyone

The results were amazing.
In the past few months, I’ve helped dozens of athletes build strength and avoid injury.
​Check out some results that happened when I worked with people:

Image 2
Image 1
Image 3

And the best part?

These are everyday men and women (Yes also women) just like you… achieving REAL progress daily.

All they did was learn the most essential key to calisthenics:

Prehab and structured progressions.

So the question is:
How do you master calisthenics safely and effectively?

❌Without risking injury…

❌Without spending hours sifting through free content online…

❌Without having to guess what works and what doesn’t…

I got you man!

That’s why I’ve compiled everything I know about prehab and progressions…

The exact methods that have helped me and my students,

​into something that will change your training forever.

Your Complete Roadmap to Calisthenics

Not everyone could afford a private coaching so I had to make this available

I created a “Calisthenics Wiki” to make
these methods available to anyone

The results were amazing.
In the past few months, I’ve helped dozens of athletes build strength and avoid injury.
​Check out some results that happened when I worked with people:

And the best part?

These are everyday men and women (Yes also women) just like you… achieving REAL progress daily.

All they did was learn the most essential key to calisthenics:

Prehab and structured progressions.

So the question is:
How do you master calisthenics safely and effectively?

❌Without risking injury…

❌Without having to guess what works and what doesn’t…

❌Without spending hours sifting through free content online…

I got you man!

That’s why I’ve compiled everything I know about prehab and progressions…

The exact methods that have helped me and my students,

​into something that will change your training forever.

Your Complete Roadmap to Calisthenics

Introducing… Statics Everyday⚡ School

(Everything You Need To Master Calisthenics Skills and Build Explosive Strength While Staying Injury-Free.)

Phase #1

Master the Fundamentals of Calisthenics

(Learn the secret to mastering bodyweight control and gaining explosive upper-body strength.)

The Calisthenics Mastery Starter Course ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: How To Start Calisthenics From ZERO

Follow the exact “Zero to Hero” progressions that can be used to enter the sport from truly zero or coming from another sport. Using the strength you've already built in the gym! ($70 Value)

Module 2: Calisthenics Lectures

Learn more about things in Calisthenics nobody talks about. Vote about the topics YOU want to listen to and receive new value every 2 weeks! ($65 Value)

Module 3: Form Correction Masterclass

A step-by-step guide to training your eyes for Calisthenics. You'll learn how I identify form issues.
​Because noticing them is the FIRST step to fixing them! ($65 Value)

Module 4: Injury Prevention Masterclass

Understand injuries. I teach you anatomy providing you with the building blocks needed to prevent injuries that are common or less common in this sport! Need help with already existing discomfort? This is the place for you as well. ($65 Value)

Phase #2

Foundational Static Skills Without Injury

(Learn the exact progressions to achieve advanced static skills safely.)

The “Groundwork” Skill Progression Masterclass ($350 Total Value)

Module 1: Handstand Mastery

Learn the “Methodical Handstand” approach to go from wall-assisted to flawlessly kicking up into the handstand wherever you want!
​($70 Value)

Module 2: Muscle-Ups From Zero To Clean Reps

Develop “Explosive Muscle-Up” power through the beginner-friendly progressive overload system that will take you to CLEAN 0 KIP muscle-ups ($70 Value)

Module 3: Hamstring Flexibility Base Level To Full Fold

You were never able to touch your toes? We'll start right there but won't stop until you have everything required to learn advanced moves like the L-sit and Pre-V-sit. ($70 Value)

Module 4: The L-sit to Pre-V-sit Progression

How to build a solid strength foundation for a perfect V-sit by mastering the basics of the L-sit and Pre-V-sit with a “3-Steps To Mastery” training plan. ($70 Value)

Phase #3

Intermediate Level Skill Progressions

(Pave your way towards skills like the front-lever, planche, and v-sit)

All-In-One Training Plan For Intermediate Skills ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: Joint Health and Tendon Strength

The injury prevention masterclass includes intermediate level progressions as well! I've included straightforward progressions to strengthen your shoulders, elbows and wrists to take the load of handstands, handstand presses and even pushups! ($65 Value)

Module 2: Frontlever Hold Components

A detailed strategy to pave your way from the tuck frontlever to a flawless full hold of 10 seconds and more.
​This is my favorite skill, so I have put even more work into this! ($65 Value)

Module 3: The Complete Forward Fold Training

The next step to perfecting the V-sit is to completely fold together. This advanced mobility is what we explore here! ($65 Value)

Module 4: Legs to the sky! Reach the V-sit!

Why stop at the Lsit when there's so much more to learn! We want to reach a fully vertical position with this one! ($65 Value)

Phase #4

Advanced Static Skills Mastery

(Things are getting serious now!)

Access To My Exclusive Database Of Insane Static Skills Progressions ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: Planche (From Lean To Full)

The skill every beginner dreams of. But also the one most people get injured with.
​Thats why I've put hours of work into developing this step by step guide to understand and learn the planche. ($65 Value)

Module 2: Front Lever Press And Pull-Up

The Frontlever hold alone is great already but here's a step-by-step guide to unlocking the next step in the frontlever progression,
​the press and pull-up. ($65 Value)

BONUS Module 3: Flexibility 

A big part of preventing injuries is also staying or becoming more flexible. I've designed this for you to thoroughly understand it and give you follow along routines for all different levels! ($65 Value)

BONUS Module 4: Nutrition

While I may not be a nutritionist I learned how tricky nutrition can sometimes be in a sport where every kilo on the scale is weight you push or pull around ;) I'll show you the nutrition principles our members follow to bulk or cut safely while following bodyweight routines and learn the best protein sources from both animal or plant-based diets. ($65 Value)

Total Value: $1,130

Get Access Now For Only $34!

Take advantage of the Calisthenics-Giving Black Friday Event where you only pay $25!

If you're commited to calisthenics mastery you get a 45% discount on the annual plan 
​Before $327 Now just $224 billed annually!

You’re Still Early...

Unlock Everything the Moment You Join

This Is The Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…

There’s one additional surprise…

The first 53 members to join the Statics Everyday⚡ Skool community through this campaign
will have ALL the content unlocked the moment they sign up.

Because I want to reward action-takers.

By unlocking everything from day one, you’ll have instant access to:

Step-by-step guides to advanced progressions.

✅ Easy-to-follow Injury prevention techniques and prehab

✅ And exclusive mobility routines to avoid injury by staying flexible

and everything I've mentioned above. But here’s the thing…

Once those 53 spots are filled, new members must go through the regular progression system again, gradually unlocking content inside the app to ensure everyone's activity!

This way I reward the most dedicated athletes with access to everything upfront so they can start mastering skills immediately!

​So now is your chance to join and get full access from day one!

Click the button below to unlock your content instantly.

Introducing… Statics Everyday⚡ School

(Everything You Need To Master Calisthenics Skills and Build Explosive Strength While Staying Injury-Free.)

Phase #1

Master the Fundamentals of Calisthenics

(Learn the secret to mastering bodyweight control and gaining explosive upper-body strength.)

The Calisthenics Mastery Starter Course ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: How To Start Calisthenics From ZERO

Follow the exact “Zero to Hero” progressions that can be used to enter the sport from truly zero or coming from another sport. Using the strength you've already built in the gym! ($70 Value)

Module 2: Calisthenics Lectures

Learn more about things in Calisthenics nobody talks about. Vote about the topics YOU want to listen to and receive new value every 2 weeks! ($65 Value)

Module 3: Form Correction Masterclass

A step-by-step guide to training your eyes for Calisthenics. You'll learn how I identify form issues.
​Because noticing them is the FIRST step to fixing them! ($65 Value)

Module 4: Injury Prevention Masterclass

Understand injuries. I teach you anatomy providing you with the building blocks needed to prevent injuries that are common or less common in this sport! Need help with already existing discomfort? This is the place for you as well. ($65 Value)

Phase #2

Foundational Static Skills Without Injury

(Learn the exact progressions to achieve advanced static skills safely.)

The “Groundwork” Skill Progression Masterclass ($350 Total Value)

Module 1: Handstand Mastery

Learn the “Methodical Handstand” approach to go from wall-assisted to flawlessly kicking up into the handstand wherever you want!
​​($70 Value)

Module 2: Muscle-Ups From Zero To Clean Reps

Develop “Explosive Muscle-Up” power through the beginner-friendly progressive overload system that will take you to CLEAN 0 KIP muscle-ups! ($70 Value)

Module 3: Hamstring Flexibility Base Level To Full Fold

You were never able to touch your toes? We'll start right there but won't stop until you have everything required to learn advanced moves like the L-sit and Pre-V-sit. ($70 Value)

Module 4: The L-sit to Pre-V-sit Progression

How to build a solid strength foundation for a perfect V-sit by mastering the basics of the L-sit and Pre-V-sit with a “3-Steps To Mastery” training plan. ($70 Value)

Phase #3

Intermediate Level Skill Progressions

(Pave your way towards skills like the front-lever, planche, and v-sit)

All-In-One Training Plan For Intermediate Skills ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: Joint Health and Tendon Strength

The injury prevention masterclass includes intermediate level progressions as well! I've included straightforward progressions to strengthen your shoulders, elbows and wrists to take the load of handstands, handstand presses and even pushups! ($65 Value)

Module 2: Front-Lever Hold Components

A detailed strategy to pave your way from the tuck frontlever to a flawless full hold of 10 seconds and more.
​This is my favorite skill, so I have put even more work into this! ($65 Value)

Module 3: The Complete Forward Fold Training

The next step to perfecting the V-sit is to completely fold together. This advanced mobility is what we explore here! ($65 Value)

Module 4: Legs to the sky! Reach the V-sit!

Why stop at the Lsit when there's so much more to learn! We want to reach a fully vertical position with this one! ($65 Value)

Phase #4

Advanced Static Skills Mastery

(Things are getting serious now!)

Access To My Exclusive Database Of Insane Static Skills Progressions ($260 Total Value)

Module 1: Planche (From Lean To Full)

The skill every beginner dreams of. But also the one most people get injured with.
​Thats why I've put hours of work into developing this step by step guide to understand and learn the planche. ($65 Value)

Module 2: Front Lever Press And Pull-Up

The Frontlever hold alone is great already but here's a step-by-step guide to unlocking the next step in the frontlever progression,
​the press and pull-up. ($65 Value)

BONUS Module 3: General Flexibility 

A big part of preventing injuries is also staying or becoming more flexible. I've designed this for you to thoroughly understand it and give you follow along routines for all different levels! ($65 Value)

BONUS Module 4: Nutrition

While I may not be a nutritionist I learned how tricky nutrition can sometimes be in a sport where every kilo on the scale is weight you push or pull around ;) I'll show you the nutrition principles our members follow to bulk or cut safely while following bodyweight routines and learn the best protein sources from both animal or plant-based diets. ($65 Value)

Total Value: $1,130

Get Access Now For Only $34!

You’re Still Early...

Unlock Everything the Moment You Join

This Is The Opportunity You’ve Been Waiting For…

There’s one additional surprise…

The first 53 members to join the Statics Everyday⚡ Skool community through this campaign will have ALL the content unlocked the moment they sign up.


Because I want to reward action-takers.

By unlocking everything from day one, you’ll have instant access to:

Step-by-step guides to advanced progressions.

Easy-to-follow Injury prevention techniques and prehab

✅ And exclusive mobility routines to avoid injury by staying flexible

and everything I've mentioned above.

But here’s the thing…

Once those 53 spots are filled, new members must go through the regular progression system again, gradually unlocking content inside the app to ensure everyone's activity!

This way I reward the most dedicated athletes with access to everything upfront so they can start mastering skills immediately!

​So now is your chance to join and get full access from day one!

Click the button below to unlock your content instantly.

Does Levi Actually Deliver For His Community?

See What Others Are Saying…

Results From Students Just Like You

Frequently asked questions

Can beginners join the Skool community?
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Yes! Levi’s Skool offers step-by-step progressions for beginners and advanced athletes alike.
Do I need a gym or special equipment?
Plus Icon
No! A set of bands and access to a pull-up bar is advised for the best progress but thats it! The other stuff can be great but isn’t required 😄
How is Levi’s program different from free resources online?
Plus Icon
Just like Levi’s free content does, the aim of the content inside this community is to provide a super clear long term path through Calisthenics alongside preventing injuries and coupling that with personalized support through the form check Sundays!
What if I’ve been injured before?
Plus Icon
Then you are in the right place. Levi has both personal experience with injuries from his early mistakes in the journey and his expertise in the physiotherapy field that allows him and his clients to train pain free today!
How long will it take to see results?
Plus Icon
You’ll start seeing improvements in strength and form within a few sessions!
Is the community active and supportive?
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Yes! Members share progress and questions, and Levi is personally active in helping out.
Why is tendon strength important?
Plus Icon
Strong tendons prevent injuries and help you master advanced moves like planches safely.
How often is new content added to the Skool?
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Levi regularly adds fresh training routines and tips based on members’ needs.
Do I need to train everyday?
Plus Icon
No, even a few sessions a week will help you make consistent progress.
How do I track my progress?
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Track progress through form improvement, strength gains, and visual progress (photos and videos).
Is this program suitable for people over 30 or 40?
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Yes! Calisthenics is low-impact and adaptable for any age, focusing on safe, sustainable progress.
What if I hit a plateau?
Plus Icon
Levi’s program helps break through plateaus with targeted progressions and tendon-strengthening exercises.
Why join Levi’s community instead of following free social media challenges?
Plus Icon
Levi offers structured, expert-backed guidance and long-term progress, not just one-off challenges.
What if I have limited space?
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No problem! You only need a small area to complete the workouts.
How do I know if I’m ready for advanced moves?
Plus Icon
Levi’s progressions will guide you step-by-step, ensuring you're ready for advanced skills safely.

Does Levi Actually Deliver With His Community

See What Others Are Saying…

Results From Students Just Like You

Frequently asked questions

Can beginners join the Skool community?
Plus Icon
Yes! Levi’s Skool offers step-by-step progressions for beginners and advanced athletes alike.
Do I need a gym or special equipment?
Plus Icon
No! A set of bands and access to a pull-up bar is advised for the best progress but thats it! The other stuff can be great but isn’t required 😄
How is Levi’s program different from free resources online?
Plus Icon
Just like Levi’s free content does, the aim of the content inside this community is to provide a super clear long term path through Calisthenics alongside preventing injuries and coupling that with personalized support through the form check Sundays!
What if I’ve been injured before?
Plus Icon
Then you are in the right place. Levi has both personal experience with injuries from his early mistakes in the journey and his expertise in the physiotherapy field that allows him and his clients to train pain free today!
How long will it take to see results?
Plus Icon
You’ll start seeing improvements in strength and form within a few sessions!
Is the community active and supportive?
Plus Icon
Yes! Members share progress and questions, and Levi is personally active in helping out.
Why is tendon strength important?
Plus Icon
Strong tendons prevent injuries and help you master advanced moves like planches safely.
How often is new content added to the Skool?
Plus Icon
Levi regularly adds fresh training routines and tips based on members’ needs.
Do I need to train everyday?
Plus Icon
No, even a few sessions a week will help you make consistent progress.
How do I track my progress?
Plus Icon
Track progress through form improvement, strength gains, and visual progress (photos and videos).
Is this program suitable for people over 30 or 40?
Plus Icon
Yes! Calisthenics is low-impact and adaptable for any age, focusing on safe, sustainable progress.
What if I hit a plateau?
Plus Icon
Levi’s program helps break through plateaus with targeted progressions and tendon-strengthening exercises.
Why join Levi’s community instead of following free social media challenges?
Plus Icon
Levi offers structured, expert-backed guidance and long-term progress, not just one-off challenges.
What if I have limited space?
Plus Icon
No problem! You only need a small area to complete the workouts.
How do I know if I’m ready for advanced moves?
Plus Icon
Levi’s progressions will guide you step-by-step, ensuring you're ready for advanced skills safely.

Levisthenics @2024 - Privacy Policy - levi@levisthenics.com - Imprint